General terms and conditions of use
It is the responsibility of visitors or users of this website to read the General Conditions of Use detailed below. The use or access to this site implies knowledge and full acceptance of each and every one of the legal warnings and general conditions that, at any time, may be established by Maysu,SA hereinafter Sport Club Fiesta Park. Likewise, the use of certain services that this site may make available to users implies the acceptance, without reservation, of the particular conditions, warnings or instructions that Sport Club Fiesta Park may establish at any time with a specific, substitutive or complementary nature to these general conditions.
In general, access to the contents provided by Sport Club Fiesta Park will be free and free of charge, and users will not be required to provide personal data, nor subscribe, nor make use of keys or passwords, with the exception of restricted access to the client section of Sport Club Fiesta Park, if any.
When it is necessary to provide personal data in order to contract or request information about a specific service, users will guarantee their truthfulness, accuracy, authenticity and validity. Sport Club Fiesta Park undertakes to give these data the corresponding automated treatment according to the nature and purpose of the same, under the conditions and terms that are reflected in the Privacy Policy.
For those cases in which the use of access codes (user name and password) is necessary, the user agrees to use them in accordance with the following restrictions:
The passwords, chosen by the user, must not be contrary to generally accepted morals and good customs, nor in any way infringe the industrial and intellectual property rights or the honour and self-image of third parties. The access codes are for the personal and exclusive use of the user, and their custody and correct use are the responsibility of the user. Sport Club Fiesta Park is not responsible for any damage that the user or third parties may incur as a consequence of other people using their passwords, with or without the consent or knowledge of the user. However, Sport Club Fiesta Park undertakes to comply with the duty of secrecy regarding the passwords registered and used by users.
Identity of the owner of this website
In compliance with Law 34/2002 of 11 July, on information society services and electronic commerce, we inform you that the owner of the domain is the property of:
Avda. Foietes,5
03502 Benidorm (Alicante)
Phone: +34 965 851 504
Intellectual property rights
The source code, graphic designs, images, photographs, sounds, animations, software, texts, as well as the information and contents included in this website are protected by Spanish legislation on intellectual and industrial property rights in favour of Sport Club Fiesta Park and the reproduction and/or publication, in whole or in part, of the website, its computer processing, distribution, dissemination, modification, transformation or decompilation, or any other legally recognised rights of the owner, is not permitted without prior written permission from Sport Club Fiesta Park.
The user, solely and exclusively, may use the material that appears on this website for their personal and private use, being forbidden to use it for commercial purposes or for illegal activities. All intellectual property rights are expressly reserved.
Sport Club Fiesta Park will ensure compliance with the above conditions and the proper use of the contents presented on its website, exercising all civil and criminal actions that apply in the case of infringement or violation of these rights by the user.