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Metabolic Trainer

A medium/high intensity group class based on blocks that mix functional strength and cardiovascular exercises.

Among the most common routines for this class are the TABATA (circuits of 8 exercises with 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest where the music is responsible for dictating the start and end), the AMRAP (perform a block of exercises for a period of time, giving the maximum number of laps to that block), or routines of 10 to 1, in which you have to perform a series of exercises descending in each series from 10 repetitions to 1, among many others.

Among the benefits we find in this activity, we find a great caloric expenditure, an increase in muscle mass levels linked to a decrease in fat mass, an improvement in cardiopulmonary capacity and, in short, a perfect activity for those who want to perform a complete training session in a short time.

Class Details
  • Duration: 60 minutes
  • Location: Aula A
  • Type: Toning

GYM Classes

Any questions?

If you have any questions or if you need more information about this class, please contact the gym without obligation.